Looking forward to seeing our CEO Dan Hooper talking all about AI and Data


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Attend a free Online Panel session (hosted by UNICOM) on Enterprise Architecture: A Business-Driven approach - Data, Security, AI and Agile Strategy on 18 August, 2020. https://bit.ly/3fwpAre

The panellists are Dan Hooper, Marc de Goeij, Dr. Stylianos Kampakis and Norbert Eschle.

They will discuss:

- Embedding new technologies in the Enterprise Architecture
- Moving Data to the Cloud – What does it mean for Enterprise Architecture
- A Business Case for Augmented Intelligence
- Why are AutoML and Augmented Analytics an integral part of the future of the enterprise?

You can register for free now https://bit.ly/3fwpAre

#data #AI #agile #businessagility #webinar2020

Testing in Machine Learning: Generating Tests and Data (Ep. 117)


Ministry of Testing Podcast - Adam Meets Paul Reinheimer