IEEE P70xx, Establishing Standards for Ethical Technology

Ansgar Koene (University of Nottingham), Adam Leon Smith (Piccadilly Labs), Takashi Egawa (NEC corporation),
Sukanya Mandalh (IEEE), Yohko Hatada (EMLS RI)



In recognition of the increasingly pervasive role of algorithmic decision making systems in corporate and government service, and growing public concerns regarding the black-box nature of many of these systems, the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) launched the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics for Autonomous and Intelligence Systems in April 2016. The ‘Global Initiative’ aims to provide "an incubation space for new standards and solutions, certifications and codes of conduct, and consensus building for ethical implementation of intelligent technologies". As of early 2018 the two main pillars of the Global Initiative are:
• a public discussion document "Ethically Aligned Design: A vision for Prioritizing human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems" [2], on establishing ethical and social implementations for intelligent and autonomous systems and technology aligned with values and ethical principles that prioritize human well-being in a given cultural context;
• a set of thirteen working groups to create the IEEE P70xx series ethics standards, and associated certification programs, for Intelligent and Autonomous systems. This project showcase will give the KDD community insights into the aims and working practices of the IEEE P70xx "Ethical Technology Standards" working groups, with an open invitation to join our efforts for establishing guiding frameworks to achieve Technology For Humanity.
Key words: Standards, Bias, Ethics, Algorithms

Koene, A., Smith, A.L., Egawa, T., Mandalh, S. and Hatada, Y., 2018. IEEE P70xx, Establishing Standards for Ethical Technology. Proceedings of KDD, ExCeL London UK, August, 2018 (KDD'18).

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