The Power Of Posture (And How It Can Help You Nail That Interview)

Most people are aware that correct posture is good for you. It’s the easiest way to stave off those pesky trips to the chiropractor, reduce back pain, and prevent a hunchback worthy of Notre Dame later on in life. However, were you aware that it can also improve your mood, alertness, and how other people perceive you?
Studies have shown that sitting or standing straight reduces anxiety and stress, increases testosterone (the confidence hormone), and boosts oxygen intake; improving your concentration, positivity, and ability to think clearly. You may have seen Amy Cuddy’s insightful Ted talk on the effects of posture on hormone levels, which showcases the way that holding ourselves correctly can not only make us feel more powerful and in control, but also improve our decision-making abilities, and the increase the likelihood of being hired.
These effects also improve the way that others perceive us. Good posture can make us appear more engaged in conversation, and provide a more accurate form of communication than facial expressions do. Further, people with better posture are seen by others as more confident, intelligent and in control – all of which subconsciously increase people’s decision to hire you.
So, I’ll leave you with an experiment to try for yourself.
Before that next big job interview, meeting, or whenever you are feeling particularly down – take five minutes to correct your posture. Sit or stand up straight, put your shoulders back, and your hands on your hips or on the sides of your chair. You might feel a bit weird doing it, but this posture is proven to positively change your frame of mind, and it might just help you nail that next challenge.