What is Exploratory Testing?

Exploratory Testing is a testing technique that combines discovery, investigation and simultaneous learning, concurrently within test design and test execution. Exploratory testing allows the tester to have personal freedom and responsibility to execute various tests without specific test cases.
Exploratory testing relies upon an implicit test oracle. Test oracles are mechanisms by which a tester decides whether an individual test has passed, or failed. Traditionally this is done by specifying expected results in advance. However in an exploratory context we rely upon the the insight and experience of a tester.
Whilst on the surface, it may sound like such testing is unstructured, this is not usually the case. Typically a testing activity is linked to a defined charter or mission statement, and the exploratory elements are conducted within that scope. Additionally, general assets such as style guides, or security and accessibility guidelines can used as additional oracles.
Penetration testing, and fuzz testing, are more technical, negative testing techniques, that can also be referred to as exploratory testing.